.. _guide-api: ================ GI Documentation ================ This is the API provided by the toplevel "gi" package. .. function:: gi.require_version(namespace, version) :param str namespace: The namespace :param str version: The version of the namespace which should be loaded :raises: ..py:exception:: ValueError Ensures the namespace gets loaded with the given version. If the namespace was already loaded with a different version or a different version was required previously raises ValueError. :: import gi gi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0') .. function:: gi.require_foreign(namespace, symbol=None) :param str namespace: Introspection namespace of the foreign module (e.g. "cairo") :param symbol: Optional symbol typename to ensure a converter exists. :type symbol: :obj:`str` or :obj:`None` :raises: ..py:exception:: ImportError Ensure the given foreign marshaling module is available and loaded. Example: .. code-block:: python import gi import cairo gi.require_foreign('cairo') gi.require_foreign('cairo', 'Surface') .. function:: gi.check_version(version) :param tuple version: A version tuple :raises: ..py:exception:: ValueError Compares the passed in version tuple with the gi version and does nothing if gi version is the same or newer. Otherwise raises ValueError. .. function:: gi.get_required_version(namespace) :returns: The version successfully required previously by :func:`gi.require_version` or :obj:`None` :rtype: str or :obj:`None` .. data:: gi.version_info :annotation: = (3, 18, 1) The version of PyGObject .. class:: gi.PyGIDeprecationWarning The warning class used for deprecations in PyGObject and the included Python overrides. It inherits from DeprecationWarning and is hidden by default. .. class:: gi.PyGIWarning Like :class:`gi.PyGIDeprecationWarning` but visible by default.