.. currentmodule:: gi.repository ======= Signals ======= GObject signals are a system for registering callbacks for specific events. To find all signals of a class you can use the :func:`GObject.signal_list_names` function: .. code:: pycon >>> GObject.signal_list_names(Gio.Application) ('activate', 'startup', 'shutdown', 'open', 'command-line', 'handle-local-options') >>> To connect to a signal, use :meth:`GObject.Object.connect`: .. code:: pycon >>> app = Gio.Application() >>> def on_activate(instance): ... print("Activated:", instance) ... >>> app.connect("activate", on_activate) 17L >>> app.run() ('Activated:', ) 0 >>> It returns number which identifies the connection during its lifetime and which can be used to modify the connection. For example it can be used to temporarily ignore signal emissions using :meth:`GObject.Object.handler_block`: .. code:: pycon >>> app = Gio.Application(application_id="foo.bar") >>> def on_change(*args): ... print(args) ... >>> c = app.connect("notify::application-id", on_change) >>> app.props.application_id = "foo.bar" (, ) >>> with app.handler_block(c): ... app.props.application_id = "no.change" ... >>> app.props.application_id = "change.again" (, ) >>> You can define your own signals using the :obj:`GObject.Signal` decorator: .. function:: GObject.Signal(name='', flags=GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_FIRST, \ return_type=None, arg_types=None, accumulator=None, accu_data=None) :param str name: The signal name :param GObject.SignalFlags flags: Signal flags :param GObject.GType return_type: Return type :param list arg_types: List of :class:`GObject.GType` argument types :param accumulator: Accumulator function :type accumulator: :obj:`GObject.SignalAccumulator` :param object accu_data: User data for the accumulator .. code:: python class MyClass(GObject.Object): @GObject.Signal(flags=GObject.SignalFlags.RUN_LAST, return_type=bool, arg_types=(object,), accumulator=GObject.signal_accumulator_true_handled) def test(self, *args): print("Handler", args) @GObject.Signal def noarg_signal(self): print("noarg_signal") instance = MyClass() def test_callback(inst, obj): print "Handled", inst, obj return True instance.connect("test", test_callback) instance.emit("test", object()) instance.emit("noarg_signal")